Christian Education
Christian Education gives children a way to grow in Christ...
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.
— Matthew 19:13-14
Church School welcomes children from 3 years of age to 8th grade. The children begin the morning with their parents at the 10 am worship service. They leave during the second hymn to go to their classes. There they continue to learn more of the lectionary Bible story they heard during the worship service.
The younger children hear stories, sing songs, and do crafts to reinforce the story of the day while the older children read Bible scripture, discuss the day’s lesson, focusing on the relevance of the lesson to their daily life.
To register your child for Church School, please click HERE.
Events during the school year include Homecoming Sunday with a cookout followed by games, game nights, Trunk or Treat, an Easter Egg Hunt, and movie nights. During the summer we hold Vacation Bible School (VBS). This is a series of evenings during a week when the children learn more about God and Jesus through a theme study, such as Egypt – Josephs’ Journey; Mega Sports Camp; Ocean Commotion- Diving into Noah’s Flood and Building in God’s Image. The evening includes singing songs, Bible stories, food, crafts, and a physical activity or game all relating to the theme. Children from all over the community really enjoy the fun, fellowship and food.
Our Youth Group is middle school students. They meet on one Sunday afternoon a month to discuss how to put into action the Christian values they have learned in Church School. This may be done through a mission project such as helping at Toni’s Kitchen (a nearby service for those in need), Christmas caroling at local nursing home(s) and to local church member shut -ins, collecting winter coats for the needy, or making cookies for the local police and fire department. It also may include learning how to work with each other in group activities and sports, such as badminton, kickball or Frisbee or going to the apple orchard to gather apples and while there exploring a corn maze and a hay ride. Periodically the youth group goes on a retreat somewhere in the area.
If your child is interested in joining our youth group, please sign up HERE.
“A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities of virtue and vice, but as yet unstained.”
Lyman Abbott, American Congregationalist minister
“A person’s a person, no matter how small.”
Dr. Seuss